[Zope] Re: MailHost under Zope 2.6.1

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 11:13:24 +0200

Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hmm, actually I have a ':' inside the message which is kind of logfile
> type
>     [date]: event
> Reading your mail and the hint from Lennart Regebro that it might be
> possible to specify all mail tags in the message this might be the reason.
> Is this documented anywhere?

Yes, in the sendmail tag help (not an obvious place) and in the 
documentation for MailHost.send() in the MailHost/help/MailHost.py file.
It's not in the Zope book, though, and it should be.

I'll make a comment in the 2.6 version if I can (haven't done that 
before, so I wouldn't know).

> Seems kind of a bug if I can not use certain characters in a mail body
> without influencing mail header data. :-(

You can use any characters. However, if you start the mail body with a 
RFC822 header, it will be treated as an RFC822 header. :)

Headers look like this:

The-Header-Name:<space>The Header Data

The headers end with an empty row.

Your solution is to make sure the first line of your message does not 
look like a header, by for example putting the subject there again, or 
some other text. (Empty blank lines will be stripped, so that doesn't work).