[Zope] Need help with ImageMagick or PIL with CMFPhoto for photo resize

Jim Barbara jbarbara11 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 13 11:15:28 EDT 2003

I am using:

Zope 2.6.1 
Plone 1.0.1
CMF 1.3

I can add a CMFPhotoAlbum as well as a CMFPhoto on my
Plone site.  I want to be 
able to view the photo sized differently than the
Original Size.  I tried to 
install ImageMagick using the rpm for Redhat 9 (i386).
 Since it asked for a 
lot of XFree86 modules, I used the -nodeps option and
it seemed to install just 
fine.  However, I still cannot resize the photos.  I
am a newbie but I am 
learning.  Could you please help me?  

Jim Barbara

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