Objects in transaction-Object do not support absolute_url() (was: Re: [Zope] Catch Object Changes)

Casey Duncan casey at zope.com
Fri Dec 5 09:34:43 EST 2003

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 22:43:27 +0100
Dieter Maurer <dieter at handshake.de> wrote:

> Casey Duncan wrote at 2003-12-4 14:08 -0500:
> I do not think, it will work.
> As a side effect how acquisition works, the registering objects
> are unwrapped (if they are persistent objects and they register
> automatically because they have been modified):
>   Assigning to an object's attribute (or accessing an object's
>   attribute) effectively works on "aq_base".
>   This implies (among others) that the "self" of "__getattr__"
>   and "__setattr__" are unwrapped.
>   It also implies that (automatically) registered objects are unwrapped.

Ok, but I wasn't talking about storing wrappers or relying on the object being wrapped at all. Just storing the physical path (string or tuple) at some opportune point (probably at a higher level in the application) when the object was modified.

Then given this path and the application object (which you could get to from _p_jar), you could recreate the wrapper if you needed it.


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