[Zope] evaluate request string as dtml-tree folder

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Tue Dec 9 14:10:40 EST 2003

jason yee wrote at 2003-12-8 17:53 -0500:
>i'm trying to pass an arguement from the REQUEST (e.g.
>myzope.com/index_html?foo=bar) to a dtml-tree in a dtml method (e.g.
><dtml-tree foo branches="obejctValues"> where foo's content should
>evaluate as a folder which the tree will use as a root).

What you are looking for is "computed variable access".
In DTML, you can use "_.getitem(expr)" for this.

Read the "Name lookup section" of 


for more details.


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