[Zope] zope freezes/halts after loading initial page

Geoffrey Jost gjost at janm.org
Wed Dec 10 17:00:26 EST 2003

Same thing happens when i try it directly from the server.

> If I remember correctly doesn't the wo_pcgi stand for "without PCGI"??
> If so that may be why PCGI isn't firing up.

Doh! of course you're right.  i don't need PCGI though, guess i was grasping
at straws.

In case this helps understand the problem, here's what i've tried so far:
- Tried installing RPM (i'm using RedHat 9.0).  this didn't work bc my
install has python 2.2.2.
- Tried installing binary.  got this problem (server not responding).
- Tried installing from source, with python-2.1.3 and zope-2.6.2.  put zope
in /usr/local/zope/Zope-[vernum,etc] and python-2.1.3 in
- Was getting an "ImportError: No module named _socket" error.  Somebody on
the mailman list had the same err, and they suggested to uncomment the
"_socket socketmodule.c" line in Python-2.1.3/Modules/Setup and recompile.
The error hasn't reappeared.
- Checked Zope-2.6.2-src/start to make sure the .../bin/python pointed to
the 2.1.3 install instead of the 2.2.2 one.
- chowned the /usr/local/zope dir (and subdirs) to my user.

Zope still loads the first page, and then becomes totally nonresponsive.

Thanks again for your help/advice.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee J. McAllister [mailto:ljmcallister at hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 12:18 PM
To: gjost at janm.org; zope at zope.org
Subject: RE: [Zope] zope freezes/halts after loading initial page

Have you tried doing direct access to your Zope Server via

If so what is the result?

># install zope 2.6.2
> > cd /usr/local/zope
> > wget http://zope.org/Products/Zope/2.6.2/Zope-2.6.2-src.tgz
> > tar xzvf Zope-2.6.2-src.tgz
> > cd Zope-2.6.2-src
> > /usr/local/zope/python-2.1.3/bin/python wo_pcgi.py

If I remember correctly doesn't the wo_pcgi stand for "without PCGI"??  If
so that may be why PCGI isn't firing up.  If you're dead set on using PCGI
you should be able to rebuild the server to run with PCGI, but you're
probably better off without it.  PCGI is alot slower than other options like


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