[Zope] Zope not starting properly under softlimit: Internal server error

Jamie Heilman jamie at audible.transient.net
Fri Dec 12 06:15:27 EST 2003

Heimo Laukkanen wrote:
> This is extremely strange since the service itself ( afaik from the
> people who manage it ) doesn't want to hog large amounts of memory
> or when running consume lots of it.

You sure we're talking about zope here? ;-)
> If softlimit is set on the startscript then zope does start, but produces 
> only 'internal server error' message to requests.

And when you remove softlimit from the picture... it works?  Redhat 7.x?

> /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 536870912 \
> /usr/bin/python2.1 z2.py   \
>         -p      $INSTANCE_HOME/Zope.cgi \
>         -u      zope                    \
>         -z      $INSTANCE_HOME          \
>         -Z      1                       \
>         -L      fi_FI at EURO.ISO-8859-1   \
>         -l      $INSTANCE_HOME/var/Z2.log \
>         >>      $INSTANCE_HOME/var/Z2.log 2>&1 \

Running this as root?  Check the permissions of all the files zope
wants to read from and write to.  What do the logs say?  Try running
in debug mode.  Failing all else, import pdb and set a trace point,
then step through a request.

Jamie Heilman                     http://audible.transient.net/~jamie/
"You came all this way, without saying squat, and now you're trying
 to tell me a '56 Chevy can beat a '47 Buick in a dead quarter mile?
 I liked you better when you weren't saying squat kid." -Buddy

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