[Zope] MySQL Threading

Jim Kutter jim at ebizq.net
Wed Dec 17 11:28:37 EST 2003

I don't think threads are the answer here. I think what most people do
is load a page with an animated gif that animates a waiting icon or
something, and that page then calls (via JS or something I guess, I
don't know if a response.redirect call would work there) another page
which does the heavy lifting. Then the browser sits and waits for the
queries to finish, and when they do, it loads the new page.

No threads, no fuss :)

Please note though that I've been meaning to try this, so my suggestion
has yet to be tested... ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph vd Houdt [mailto:ralph at ezcompany.nl] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:36 AM
To: zope at zope.org
Subject: [Zope] MySQL Threading

Hi All,

I'm currently writing an application in which an report-page is based on
heavy SQL query. The query runs about 15 seconds (the result will be
in a session). For this reason I want to create a waiting page which
if the SQL query has finished running. Does anybody know if I can run
SQL query in a separate thread and redirect to the report-page when the
query has finished (by polling the thread). The results will be read
the session and used in the report-page.

Any clues?

Greetings Ralph

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