[Zope] PyXML and SOAPpy installation for Zope

Charlie Jones cj@charlie-jones.com
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 16:57:15 -0400

Ok..the suggestions below seem to have worked for installing the libs.   
I can now run the test scripts that came with SOAPpy with the Zope  
python interpreter.  Now I am trying create some External Methods based  
off of these test scripts.  I am running into a problem.  I think it's  
related to the import statements I am using.

Here's the imports I'm doing for the methods, these are taken directly  
from the test scripts that run fine against the Zope python interpreter:
   import os, re
   import sys
   from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy

When I try to access the external methods I get the following error  
from Zope:
   Error Type: ImportError
   Error Value: cannot import name SOAPProxy

Other than the import statements above, the only other references to  
SOAPProxy are in the following form:
   server = SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, http_proxy=proxy)

The parameter variables are set before this statement.  As I mentioned  
before, running the test scripts against the Zope version of python  
works fine.  Does Zope handle importing differently than python?

Here's the method code I created in the Extensions directory.  Creating  
the External Methods works fine, it's just when I try to access them  
via dtml.
import os, re
import sys
from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy

def getTemp(zip):
      phost, pport =  
      proxy = "%s:%s" % (phost, pport)
      proxy = None

   SoapEndpointURL =  
   MethodNamespaceURI = 'urn:xmethods-Temperature'

   # Do it inline ala SOAP::LITE, also specify the actually ns

   server = SOAPProxy(SoapEndpointURL, http_proxy=proxy)
   result = server._ns('ns1', MethodNamespaceURI).getTemp(zipcode=zip)

def translate(to, phrase):
      phost, pport = re.search('http://([^:]+):([0-9]+)',  
      proxy = "%s:%s" % (phost, pport)
      proxy = None

   server =  
   babel = server._ns('urn:xmethodsBabelFish#BabelFish')

   result = babel.BabelFish(translationmode = to,sourcedata = phrase)

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 03:41 PM, Fred Yankowski wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 02:23:46PM -0400, Charlie Jones wrote:
>> I am trying to create some External Methods in Zope to access some
>> simple web services.  I have both these packages working under the
>> default Python installation on my server, but I don't have a clue on
>> how to get them to install in the python setup for Zope.
> You should be able to install them in the zope SOFTWARE_HOME and then
> import and use them as usual (for python programs) from your External
> Methods.  If you installed a binary version of Zope that comes with
> its own python executable, you could do this to install the software:
> 	cd some_distutils_compatible_python_package
> 	/usr/local/Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86/bin/python setup.py install
> If you are running some other python executable, you can add command
> line arguments to the above 'install' command to direct it to install
> the software into the Zope SOFTWARE_HOME.  Or you could let it install
> in that python's default library -- it's all the same as far as being
> importable into an External Method.
> -- 
> Fred Yankowski      fred@ontosys.com           tel: +1.630.879.1312
> OntoSys, Inc	    PGP keyID: 7B449345        fax: +1.630.879.1370
> www.ontosys.com     38W242 Deerpath Rd, Batavia, IL 60510-9461, USA
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