[Zope] product install problem (was Re: how to use LocalFS to expose F/S directory?

Bill Andrews bill_j_andrews@yahoo.com
Mon, 23 Jun 2003 17:36:38 -0700 (PDT)

OK, thanks JCC -- then I don't have the LocalFS package installed
correctly. The "LocalFS portal" is not something I saw, just that I
thought I should see something in "Add" list - and now I know it
should say "Local File System".

On my /Control Panel/Products page in Zope I see a bunch of products
that are installed and they each have a little "package" icon next to
the checkbox - all package icons are of closed packages, but the
LocalFS package icon is different - icon of an unwrapped, open
package. Is there a step I missed during installation?


--- On 6/23/03 J Cameron Cooper <jccooper@jcameroncooper.com> wrote:

I don't know what the "LocalFS portal" business is about. Maybe it's
some derivative of LocalFS? My installation of LocalFS puts a "Local 
File System" product in the add list, and when I try to add one asks 
simply for name, title, and base path. Works exactly as expected.

I might, for instance, say

id: monkeybutter
title: The directory containing monkeys and butter. Fun!
base path: /tmp/foo

and magically I could retrieve the file '/tmp/foo/monkey' as 


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