[Zope] carriage returns and newlines entered into HTML form inputs

AdvertisingDept Layne.Bilyeu@robbstucky.net
Wed, 14 May 2003 10:04:54 -0400

HTML Form contains a textarea inputs. 
Form submits data to MySQL database.

User wants to enter distinct 'lines'
into a textarea input box
- such as a formatted mailing address.

     Street Address
     Suite / routing
     City, ST zipcode

They press return at end of each line, 
and the textarea input box complies 
formatting the data on their screen.

However, when I retrieve the data from the SQL database,
the formatting / carriage returns are gone?

Is this my imagination, or has it dropped the formatting characters?
How do I pass/retain/interpret the returns?

This is probably a simple NEW ZOPE USER issue, 
I just don't know how to phrase it when searching the list archives.

Thanks in advance.