[Zope] FYI: Epoz released - a cross-browser-wysiwyg-editor for Zope

Maik Jablonski maik.jablonski@uni-bielefeld.de
Fri, 16 May 2003 11:53:12 +0200

Hi to all,

today I've released Epoz 0.1 - a cross-browser-wysiwyg-editor for Zope.

  - Do you want a wysiwyg-editor for Zope, which works with Mozilla and 
InternetExplorer? Have a look at 

  - Epoz uses rich-text-controls which requires IE (>= 5.5) or Mozilla 

  - Epoz can easily integrated in your site and can be customized with a 

  - Do you want to play with Epoz? Please visit the "Epoz-Test-Suite on 

  I'll hope, you'll like Epoz.

  Be zoped,


Deutsche Zope User Group