[Zope] Re: undoing

martin f krafft madduck@madduck.net
Sun, 25 May 2003 09:42:53 +0200

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also sprach Andreas Pakulat <ap125@informatik.uni-rostock.de> [2003.05.24.2=
204 +0200]:
> The first thing to learn about Zope is that it doesn't operate on
> files, it works with objects! So you'll have to understand a bit
> about OO, the second thing is that Zope is kind of an OODatabase.

I think that Zope if more a hierarchical database than anything

> And that is the answer to your question, your are deleting an
> element of a folder object and then creating a new one, both are
> database trancsactions on the same object - the folder object.

Well, yes... but they are not in conflict with each other. If you
want to use database speak, they are serialisable. So they should
not require or prevent one another...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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