[Zope] ZPoPyDA-2.0.8 with Postgresql as a database instead of Zope's ZODB .

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Mon Nov 10 06:59:51 EST 2003

--On Montag, 10. November 2003 12:08 Uhr +0000 Chuck Aamdi 
<chuck.amadi at breconbeacons.org> wrote:

> Hi has anyone being using ZPoPyDA-2.0.8 with Postgresql as a database
> instead of Zope's ZODB .

What means 'instead' ?

> As I have to port my website data content to Postgresql due to the volumn
> is there a link available as I need to review and eventually deploy
> another db and as my Organisation already use Postgresql as our main db .
> I habe install ZPoPyDA-2.0.8 tar file and untarred /zope_home dir and
> followed the install and read-me . but I would like further insight .

Ask a detailed question please  and don't wait unitl we think about
what *your* problems might be.


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