[Zope] SQL stored proc returns XML text; how to display in ZPT?

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Wed Nov 12 16:32:12 EST 2003

David Mitchell wrote at 2003-11-12 22:58 +1100:
 > ...
 > I've got a SQL stored procedure that returns an XML string.  I've 
 > written a ZSQL Method "dump_xml" that calls the stored proc;
 > ...
 > <span tal:replace="here/dump_xml" />  This returns something like 
 > <Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results instance at 0x9001394>

This ("Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results") is the result type of
Z SQL Methods.
It behaves like a sequence of "record" objects.
A "record" provides access to the columns either by name or by index.

Thus, you can use (e.g.):

      <XXX tal:define="result_sequence here/dump_xml"
           tal:replace="python: result_sequence[0][0]" />

This would render field "0" of the row "0" of your Z SQL Method result.


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