[Zope] Setting zsession_del_notify in temp_folder (Transient Object Container)

Richard Ettema richard.ettema at yoursolutions.com
Fri Oct 31 05:45:33 EST 2003


Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong with setting up
ZSESSION_DEL_NOTIFY to be set on start up when running multiple instances
and starting/restarting using "zopectl restart my_instance_name"?

We have 2 instances and they are working/restarting fine when using zopectl.
I have tried adding the line
"zsession-del-notify:/my_script_to_run_on_session_info" to zopectlrc.conf or
my_instance_name.conf but it is not used. I have tried all sorts of
variations on this with no luck. The only successful way I have been able to
set the ZSESSION_DEL_NOTIFY var is by editing Application.py directly, which
isn't the best plan.

Is there something else I need to do to have the optional vars passed? I
have looked thru zopectl, ZopeCTL.py, and the man doc but can not work out
what I am missing.

Zope Version: 2.6
Python Version:  2.1.3
System Platform:  linux2

Thanks for your help.

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