[Zope] Ape & MySQL: Error adding ZODB MountPoint

Jo Meder jo at meder.de
Thu Apr 8 18:16:40 EDT 2004

Am 08.04.2004, 19:38 Uhr
	schrähb Shane Hathaway <shane at zope.com>:

> What are the steps, 
> starting with no /var/lib/mysql at all, that one should take to grant 
> one user access to create, read, and write all tables in one database?

Admittedly I never used the GRANT-Syntax, instead I always worked
directly with the tables.

Assuming you connect to MySQL via localhost, user "myuser" with
password "mypasswd" for database "mydb" at the MySQL prompt type:

mysql> use mysql
mysql> insert into db values
    -> ("localhost","mydb","myuser",
    ->  "Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","N","N");
mysql> insert into user values
    -> ("localhost","myuser",password("mypasswd"),
    ->  "Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N");       

mysql> select * from host;

should result in "Empty set [...]"

Of course you'll have to create the database as well:

mysql> create database mydb;
Now exit from the MySQL prompt and execute

mysqladmin reload;

(optionally supplying the appropriate -u and -p parameters) and you
should ready to go. 

Hope this helps.


internetmanufaktur jo----------------------------- Berlin, Germany
  |||||||||||||||meder-------------------fon: ++49-30-417 17 63 33
http://www.meder.de/ ------------------- fax: ++49-30-417 17 63 45
Kollwitzstr. 75 ------------------------ mob: ++49-170- 2 98 89 97
10435 Berlin ---------------http://www.meder.de/keys/jo-pubkey.txt

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