[Zope] re: Zope 2.7 RC Startup Script?

hpinson at indepthl.com hpinson at indepthl.com
Thu Apr 15 11:05:00 EDT 2004

It seems there are some missing headers in zopectl that chkconfig 
needs to register as a service:

I added them, but zope 2.7 will still not start on boot. Here's what 
I have done so far:

As root

First edited zopectl directly and added the lines:
# chkconfig: - 80 20
# description: Zope 2.7

( I have no idea what - 80 20 means.)


cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
ln -s /var/zope-instance/bin/zopectl zopectl
chkconfig --level 5 --add zopectl 

The service registered as seen by
chkconfig --list

Harlow Pinson
Indepth Learning
Email: hpinson at indepthl.com 
Web: http://www.indepthl.com
Voice: 505-994-2135
FAX: 208-475-7678

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