R: [Zope] re: Zope 2.7 RC Startup Script?

trashMan trashman at httconsulting.com
Fri Apr 16 14:36:44 EDT 2004

But...why isn't there  a script for init.d??


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: zope-bounces at zope.org [mailto:zope-bounces at zope.org] Per conto di george
Inviato: giovedì 15 aprile 2004 17.34
A: hpinson at indepthl.com
Cc: zope at zope.org
Oggetto: Re: [Zope] re: Zope 2.7 RC Startup Script?

hpinson at indepthl.com on 4/15/04 wrote:

>Yes, I rember that now-- but no joy:
>chkconfig --add zopectl --level 5
>renders the system message:
>'service zopectl does not support chkconfig'
>I am just baffled by this.  

for a totally different approach, you might try starting it from cron or
running it under daemontools, which will start it at boot if you start
daemontools at boot.

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