[Zope] Re: [Zope-Coders] July Bug Day Roundup

Ken Manheimer klm at zope.com
Mon Aug 9 17:46:41 EDT 2004

On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Chris Withers wrote:

> Ken Manheimer wrote:
> > I have a pretty different conception of the states.  I've created another
> > page, linked into chris', with my alternate framing, at:
> > 
> > http://dev.zope.org/CVS/CollectorStatusesAlt
> > 
> > Obviously, we need to resolve the differences so all the supporters use
> > the states the same way.  I hardly participate in the zope collector
> > (though i do use collectors all the time for a lot of projects), so i'll
> > defer to the people who actually use it - but want to suggest this framing
> > because i think it'll help reduce the chaos.
> I'm not sure how muddying the waters deceases the chaos.

Then why were you asking for feedback in the first place?

A few supporters (chris, andreas, and dieter, at least) have indicated 
that they had different interpretations than you did, more similar to what 
i am suggesting.  So at the least, the waters were already at least this 
muddy.  The question, then, is how to settle on one set of states.

I think given a reasonable simple set of states we can all agree on, 
someone should be able to find time to adjust the collector.  So i'd just 
like to get at the set of states.

At this point there's more than the two alternative sets 
(CollectorStatuses and CollectorStatusesAlt) on the table.  Items i can 
recall off-the-top-of-my-head:

  - Lennert has proposed a "Submitted" state (which i interpret as being 
    for issues that are pending disposition), instead of pending
    (i think "Submitted" is an improvement on "Pending")

  - and "Pending" would be for items awaiting more info (i think that 
    should instead be either "Accepted", if someone is taking 
    responsibility, if only to "Reject" the thing if no more info is 
    forthcoming, else "Deferred" if nobody is taking responsibility - it 
    can go back to "Submitted" if more info comes...

  - sidnei mentioned that roundup calls the initial state "unread" (but i 
    don't think that really applies to our initial state, because things 
    may be read but not assigned any handling - and i don't think we need 
    a state for truly "unread")

There may be others.

I guess i think we could make progress talking each state through.

klm at zope.com

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