[Zope] ZOPE has runzope.bat ZEO lacks runzeo.bat in win32

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra rodsenra at gpr.com.br
Thu Aug 12 10:46:23 EDT 2004


 testing Zope/ZEO Client + ZEO Server in Windows XP (not happy about XP though)
 I noticed that mkzopeinstance.py generates a nice runzope.bat from a
 skeleton template: runzope.bat.in.

 But, there are no runzeo.bat counterpart! So I made a little runzeo.bat.in:

@set CONFIG_FILE=<<INSTANCE_HOME>>\etc\zeo.conf
@set ZEO_RUN=%SOFTWARE_HOME%\ZEO\runzeo.py
"%PYTHON%" "%ZOPE_RUN%" -C "%CONFIG_FILE%" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 
 Just dropping that at <<ZOPE_HOME>>\skel\bin should do the trick,
 but  it seems that mkzeoinstance.py does not use skeletons!

 I guess it would be a bit awkward to have runzeo.bat created
 by mkzopeinstance.py instead of mkzeoinstance, right ?

 I don't know if is there any interest in convert mkzeoinstance.py
 to use skeletons (instead of code embeeded templates) ?

 But since it was being discussed the importance of enhancing Windows
 users experience with Zope, I believe runzeo.bat would be a plus.

 So would be a zopectl counterpart, but that's a whole new ball game <wink>.



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