[Zope] Command line access to Zope data

John Poltorak jp at warpix.org
Fri Feb 20 18:24:10 EST 2004

On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 06:03:52PM -0500, Paul Winkler wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 04:46:13PM -0600, J Cameron Cooper wrote:
> > John Poltorak wrote:
> > 
> > >I am assumming that all data on a Zope hosted website resides in Data.fs 
> > >even if you are running a Plone site.
> > >
> > >If so, how do you update something like Plone news items from the command 
> > >line?
> > >
> > You can use a ZEO debug session to connect a Python console to a live 
> > Zope server. I do this all the time, and it's great.
> > 
> > You could presumably also go about this with FTP.
> or webdav.  I haven't tried either with plone lately.

I don't know anything about webdav. Is there a definitive reference for 

As for use FTP, how would I use that? I presumed that Zope stored data in 
its own database, so wouldn't I need to import the uploaded files into 
that database?

> > You can also make your own tools to interact with Zope via 
> > XML-RPC or in a RESTful manner (wget can be a REST tool).
> Yes, this is covered in the Advanced Scripting chapter of
> the zope book, way down at the bottom:
> http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/ScriptingZope.stx
> Look for the "Remote Scripting and Network Services"
> section.

Where would I find the format of something like a News item?
> -- 
> Paul Winkler
> http://www.slinkp.com
> (random hero from isometric.spaceninja.com)


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