[Zope] Python, Pre-Fill Form Fields

AdvertisingDept Layne.Bilyeu at robbstucky.net
Mon Feb 23 13:15:11 EST 2004

How do I...
use a python script to pre-fill the value of a form's field?

I am setting a field in the request, 
but it appears in the 'other' section of the request.

Page Template -  html form
     <form method="POST" action="">
      Enter text: 
      <input name="aformfield" type="text" value="" />
      <input type="submit" name="form.button.submit" value="Submit" />
    <br /><br /><br />
    <p tal:content="structure request">stuff</p>


Python Script
#Get the HTML request object
myrequest = container.REQUEST

#preset the request field
myrequest.set('aformfield', 'a value')

#go to the form
return context.theform(REQUEST=myrequest)

Note: I am actually trying to pre-fill a 
CMFformcontroller template in plone 2.0.
However, if I can't get this 
most simple example to work...

Many thanks in advance.

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