[Zope] Re: Ape and DBTab Configuration in Zope 2.7

Joseph Kocherhans jkocherhans at mac.com
Wed Mar 17 10:40:55 EST 2004

Elena Schulz wrote:

> Hi Brad,
>>But it works for me.
> For me not :(my environment: Zope 2.7.0, python 2.3.2, win32)
>>Put Ape into 2.7.0/lib/python/Products  (it cannot be in an INSTANCE_HOME
> Products
> Ok, this I changed. I had it in INSTANCE_HOME/Products
>>Ape has a file called "component.xml" that tells you what to do for 2.7::
> Good to know, but ...
>>add the following line near the top of Zope/Startup/zopeschema.xml:
>>  <import package="Products.Ape"/>
> .. as soon as I add this to my Zope/Startup/zopeschema.xml starting Zope I
> get the below error.
> Does anybody know about that?
> -- Thanks, Elena

Are you using the latest CVS version? I looked at component.xml and the 
setup instructions have changed. The mention of adding <import 
package="Products.Ape"/> was taken out on Oct 14, 2003, but it looks 
like you have to put %import Products.Ape in your zope.conf... I don't 
know enough about ZConfig to know whether the percent sign there is a 
type, or some sort of config option. I'd try it both ways and see if it 


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