[Zope] Re: WEBDAV & FireFox

Paul Browning paul.browning at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Mar 17 17:02:07 EST 2004

--On 17 March 2004 15:33 +0000 John Poltorak <jp at warpix.org> wrote:

> I'm still trying to work out how WEBDAV differs from an FTP
> filesystem  driver...

Here's two differences:

1. File locking (that's the DA bit - Distributed Authoring - you
   don't stomp on other people's stuff).

2. Easily secured over SSL (no passwords in the clear)

3. Increasingly ftp is blocked at firewalls

Others are likely to extend this list ....


 The Library, Tyndall Avenue, Univ. of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TJ, UK
   E-mail: paul.browning at bristol.ac.uk  URL: http://www.bris.ac.uk/

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