[Zope] Re: Catalog query time

Kevin Carlson khcarlso at bellsouth.net
Thu Mar 18 17:10:48 EST 2004

Casey Duncan wrote:

The folder containing the objects is a BTreeFolder2.

>The query you mention (against two field indexes) should be pretty
>cheap, however it's unclear how many times it gets executed in the loop.
>It would be cheaper to do this instead of querying in the loop.
>query = context.getDBSubjectForUser(userID=userID)
>subjects = [q.subject for q in query]
>docResults = context.portal_catalog(
>    {'Subject' : subjects, 'Type' : 'Template'})

OK.  I can try that.  My only issue is that each docResult is going to 
have to be correlated to an individual user so this may not work well in 
this situation.

>Also, what are you doing with docResults when you get it back? Are you
>calling getObject on the results returned?
I am not calling getObject.  I am just getting the id of the document 
and passing that to the page displaying the results of the above script.

Thanks for the response.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

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