[Zope] Sort keyword index

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Tue Sep 14 16:01:47 EDT 2004

Garito wrote at 2004-9-14 02:02 +0200:
> ...
>At these time I had implemented an external sorter but
>Is there any kind of "rules" to create these kind of behavior integrated 
>with ZCatalog?

I doubt that you will get it into the ZCatalog code because
the semantics of your sorting operation is not well defined:

  Suppose, you have keywords a1 < a2 and b1 < b2
  and documents d1 with keywords a1 and b2
  as well as d2 with keywords a2 and b1.

  Should "d1" come before "d2" or vice versa?

Questions like this rule out "KeywordIndex" (or any other
index that indexes an object under several terms)
as sort index.


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