POSKeyErrors was Re: [Zope] Zope leaking memory?

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Tue Sep 14 21:30:04 EDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 21:20, Richard Jones wrote:
> > I haven't seen any reports in the collector of POSKeyError resulting
> > from Transience usage.  I presume the BTrees that go missing are
> > transience-related?  Even if so I'm not sure if that indicates anything
> > is wrong with Transience itself.
> My POSKeyErrors all pop up in Transience. Also, my reading of the collector 
> reports and related mailing list discussions seemed to indicate that 
> sessions, and their Transience stores, were the culprits. 

I don't see a POSKeyError mentioned in any of the collector reports in
conjunction with Transience.  Plenty of other errors, yes, but not
POSKeyError, so you win the "first with new symptom" prize. ;-)

> I'm very much a 
> newbie when it comes to this stuff - I've not had the time (not will I) to 
> really dig into it or fully understand what's going wrong. Happy to be told 
> I've got it all wrong, just as long as I can eventually (soon would be nice) 
> figure out how to *fix* it all :)

I haven't see Transience run up against any POSKeyErrors and no one has
provided a way to cause that situation so it's hard for me to take any
action on that.  A collector issue explaining the symptom would be a
place to start, though.

<a laundry list of ZODB and publisher fixes mentioned>
> > All of these fixes have happened recently enough that they haven't yet
> > made it to any released Zope version and are only available in CVS (on
> > the Zope-2_7-branch).
> I've just upgraded my development system to 2-7 branch but a separate issue 
> relating to permissions has popped up. Have mailed zope-dev, and hopefully 
> that can be resolved ASAP.

Does that mean that you have or haven't experienced these POSKeyErrors
with a site running recent Zope 2.7 branch code?

> > Unrelatedly, new work has also been happening in Transience that will be
> > merged into the 2.7 branch soon as well.  This is currently in good
> > shape on the 'chrism-pre273-branch' of Transience in CVS.
> Yes, been watching those checkins, though I understand none of them. I'm not 
> quite desperate enough to run that branch though ;)

You won't have much of a choice soon, it's getting merged toute suite.

- C

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