[Zope] Re: Disgraceful

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Fri Sep 24 16:21:43 EDT 2004

--On Freitag, 24. September 2004 16:13 Uhr -0400 "Tiller, Michael (M.M.)" 
<mtiller at ford.com> wrote:

>> From: zope-bounces at zope.org [mailto:zope-bounces at zope.org] On Behalf
> Of
>> Subject: [Zope] Re: Disgraceful
>> The Zope Book chapter on sessions is currently the sixth result here:
>> http://www.google.com/search?q=zope+sessions
> Really?  For me, this is the sixth result:
> http://vsbabu.org/mt/archives/2003/05/16/resetting_zopes_session_timeout
> .html
> I'm assuming that is not what you meant.
> Interestingly, I couldn't find the Zope book in the first six *PAGES* of
> results.  Perhaps Google gives you a different result than me for some
> reason, but I entered it just like you typed it.

The current Zope Book based on Zope 2.6 has a complete chapter on Sessions.
In fact it is one of the best written chapters in the complete book. And 
reading this
chapter is at least something that everyone should when working with 
It's rude of people to complain if they get pointed to 
to this one. Everyone should have a certain amount of intelligence to 
such basic tasks as reading and doing investigations.


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