[Zope] Does anyone care whether we deprecate ZClasses?

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Sat Apr 2 02:47:26 EST 2005

--On Freitag, 1. April 2005 23:10 Uhr -0800 David H 
<bluepaul at earthlink.net> wrote:

> I would recommend ZClass people should form a group.  And have good
> people keep the thing compatible with each Zope release.
> David

I doubt that anyone will touch ZClasses - except Dieter and Jim :-)
It's good to see them go..and there are enough solutions to replace 
ZClasses with much
cleaner and supported solutions (e.g. with Zope+Five+Z3 schemas  or CMF + 
AT or CMF + CPSSchemas).


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