[Zope] how to generate debug.log for requestprofiler

Jim Abramson jabramson at wgen.net
Thu Apr 14 18:02:03 EDT 2005

At some point btn Zope 2.6.2 and 2.7.4, it seems way you set up a
logfile to be used by requestprofiler.py has changed.

Now I need "debug.log" - whats the proper way to generate one?  I've
just been googling and can't find explicit instructions about this.

Doing runzope or zopectl with -M aren't working, and there is no obvious
directive in zope.conf for it.  Unless I am supposed to configure a
logger at DEBUG level myself, from the zope.conf and make sure it's
called debug.log, but this doesn't seem right....

Any suggestions?

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