[Zope] (1 conflicts since startup at 2005-08-04T14:45:39)

Garito garito at sistes.net
Fri Aug 5 10:39:51 EDT 2005

Dieter Maurer escribió:

>Garito wrote at 2005-8-4 14:11 +0200:
>>Our problem is we create some archetypes and in some parts of our 
>>structure if we try to create some object the computer cpu grows to 100% 
>>and raises
>>2005-08-04T15:01:02 INFO(0) ZODB conflict error at 
>>/VirtualHostBase/<<the url to the object>>/createObject (1 conflicts 
>>since startup at 2005-08-04T14:45:39)
>>Has someone any idea to solve these issue?
>Not directly an idea but some hint:
>  A long time ago (months, maybe even a year),
>  I posted a patch that gives more informative error messages
>  for "ConflictError".
>  Search the archive, apply the patch and come back with
>  the better message.
>A search for "ConflictError" will give you hundreds of posts.
>Many of them explain that "ConflictError" are a normal
>artefact of the ZODB. Nothing to worry about, unless
>you get too many...
Hi Dieter and thank you again
The problem that produce these error was a method acquired by an 
archetype but the data to calculate de algorithm is not acquirable by 
these archetype (I hope I explain myself)

Thanks a lot!

Mis Cosas

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