[Zope] passing positional paramaters

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Mar 11 13:46:06 EST 2005

Ivan Stout wrote at 2005-3-11 15:33 +0900:
> ...
>This is what I get:
>"Error Type: NameError
>Error Value: 'DOCLANG': ambiguous or unknown attribute"

The next essential lesson:

    You must look at the traceback (to be found in the
    ZMI's Root Folder --> "error_log")!

    It tells you where the exception was raised.

    You will need some time until you understand the tracebacks.
    Until then, you can post them to the list.

I expect that the "doclang" access in
"expr="gettransdoc(name=name,doclang=doclang)" caused
the exception and that "doclang" comes from another
database query with different spellings for "doclang".

The traceback will settle this assumption...


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