[Zope] Defining and creating a temporary storage for each user

Marco Bizzarri marco.bizzarri at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 05:38:33 EDT 2005

On 9/2/05, Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
> Marco Bizzarri wrote:
> >
> > Users should have their own storage, so that they can create/modify 
> objects
> > inside that, without influencing the general, shared database.
> The ZODB mounting machinery isn't designed for this case and it would
> take a lot of work on your part to make it do what you need, although it
> should certainly be possible.

Ok, I will not purse this for this moment.

What about not influencing the general, shared database (can you tell us
> more about what that is?) means that you think you need seperate storages?

I will try to better explain myself on what we are actually doing. 

The context is PAFlow, which is a "pure" (no CMF/Plone) vertical application 
for (italian) public administration.

Inside this application, we are using an in house developed framework where 
more or less each page shown to the user is connected to an object (which we 
call controller) on the ZODB.

When one user requests a page, PAFlow creates a controller for it (actually, 
creates also the page, but this is not important now), storing there all the 
data meaningful for that page, so that later the page can be built simply by 
invoking methods from the controller (I hope this is clear, otherwise I will 
post some code example).

Of course, the creation/destruction of all these objects is a major 
performance problem, because they happen all on the ZODB.

Since these are temporary data, we would like to create them in a temporay 
storage, either one for each user or one for all of them.

We could create them in the /temp_folder, but this could provide some non 
trivial security issue (?), also because you can have more than one PAFlow 
Site installed in a ZODB.

What are the data stored on the ZODB, apart from the controllers? Workflow 
data for ongoing processes. All the domain data are stored on a RDBMS.

I hope I explained myself.

Thanx for your inputs :) 

> Chris
> PS: You shouldn't be using DBTab in this day and age, upgrade your Zope
> version and use zope.conf...

I did not explain myself: I'm not using dbtab, actually. I was exploring the 
way in which I could achieve what I would like to do and, exploring the 
code, I stumbled upon dbtab. We're working on 2.7.x, with zope.conf

> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
> - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

Icube Srl
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