[Zope] TAL page whitespace removal

Sascha Welter zopelist at betabug.ch
Fri Apr 14 04:43:24 EDT 2006

(Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 12:00:08PM -0400) zope-request at zope.org wrote/schrieb/egrapse:
> Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:03:29 +0100
> From: "Robert (Jamie) Munro" <jamie at textmatters.com>
> gzip will add enormous processing overhead to the server. 

Your server must be a C=64 or something. I'm running Zope on an Apple
Powermac G3 B&W at 350Mhz -- not really an up-to-date powerhouse.
Gzipping most of my COREBlog pages shows no noticeable difference in
processor load - even on such a lame machine. I'm not even using apaches
gzip-encoding module, but the Zope builtin stuff.

Being able to get things faster to the clients frees load off the
server, the payoff for gzipping content is mucho worth it in my

The next thing that paid off huge was implementing handling of
If-Modified-Since headers. Bandwidth use for the Googlebot went down
from from about 50MB per month to around 1MB. That helps getting
processor load and disk load down too. Other search engines and even
some "real" clients get 304's too.




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