Andrew Milton akm at theinternet.com.au
Wed Aug 23 15:44:21 EDT 2006

+-------[ beno ]----------------------
| Thank you for responding. Here is my question once again:

Since you haven't worked out yet, I'll be explicit.

Reposting your question over and over and over and over and over isn't going
to get you any more responses. In fact it's more likely to piss off anyone who
would be inclined to answer at all.

Furthermore, the questions you're asking are;

a) Not appropriate for this mailing list
b) Should be addressed to the author of the product in question.

If and when you have the product correctly configured, AND
you get some indication from Zope that it is not functioning AND
the author of said product indicates that it is a problem with Zope itself, ONLY THEN 
is this likely to be the correct forum for questions about a product.

When you get to this stage, you will need to include the relevant errors from
logs (in this case including MAIL LOGS) or otherwise.

Andrew Milton
akm at theinternet.com.au

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