[Zope] Reportlab issue

David H bluepaul at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 27 22:17:22 EDT 2006

Jonathan wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "David H" <bluepaul at earthlink.net>
> To: "zope user list" <zope at zope.org>
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Reportlab issue
>> Jonathan wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "David H" <bluepaul at earthlink.net>
>>> To: "Jonathan" <dev101 at magma.ca>
>>> Cc: "zope user list" <zope at zope.org>
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:25 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Zope] Reportlab issue
>>>> Jonathan wrote:
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "David H" <bluepaul at earthlink.net>
>>>>> To: "zope user list" <zope at zope.org>
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:54 PM
>>>>> Subject: [Zope] Reportlab issue
>>>>>> Hi Zope List,
>>>>>> I have an Zope application that uses ReportLab to generate 
>>>>>> acrobat viewable reports. (I already posted this to reportlab 
>>>>>> list - so far no solutions).
>>>>>> Heres the problem:
>>>>>> I display an acrobat report (using Firefox or IE 6) and say 
>>>>>> scroll down to page 10.  I then use the <browser> back button to 
>>>>>> re-enter my Zope application.
>>>>>> Now, even if I click various unrelated pages in the application 
>>>>>> (clearing the request,etc) and then return to the Report (which 
>>>>>> is always freshly generated) it will try to re-display at page 10 
>>>>>> - instead of top of page.
>>>>>> This occurs even if the data being reported has changed, and this 
>>>>>> occurs even if a different report is generated!
>>>>>> Note: that I use
>>>>>> import tempfile and
>>>>>> tmpFile2 = tempfile.mktemp()
>>>>>> to keep pdfPath's unique ...
>>>>>> I've tried combinations of "Content-Disposition" params like 
>>>>>> changing filename=, etc.  Nothing is changing this behavior.
>>>>>> I've tried (a reportlab mailing list suggestion) varying to 
>>>>>> <forms action= like
>>>>>>   <form name="printform" method="post" 
>>>>>> action="extensions/pyBudgetReports"
>>>>>>         tal:attributes="action python: 
>>>>>> 'extensions/pyBudgetReports/?random=' + context.python.pyTime()">
>>>>>> No help either.
>>>>> I have never used ReportLab, but is there a possibility that when 
>>>>> you go back to the adobe document it is being served from a 
>>>>> cache?  You could try using html meta tags or response.setHeader 
>>>>> (better) to make sure the document is not being served from the 
>>>>> cache.
>>>>> Just a shot in the dark!
>>>>> Jonathan
>>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>>> Yes, I did try that, e.g. (report lab + external file stuff)
>>>>   # -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>   def writeReport(self, RESPONSE):
>>>>   # -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>      """
>>>>        generates report output
>>>>      """
>>>>         self.save()
>>>>         theFile=open( self.pdfpath,'rb')
>>>>         result = theFile.read()
>>>>         theFile.close()
>>>>         os.remove(self.pdfpath)
>>>>         # the next 3 lines were snarked from google "zope no 
>>>> cache"  I think its a casey duncan recipe ...
>>>>         RESPONSE.setHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache')
>>>>         RESPONSE.setHeader('Cache-Control','no-cache')
>>>>         RESPONSE.setHeader('Expires', 'Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT')
>>>>         # the normal fair
>>>>         RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type','application/pdf')
>>>> RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Disposition','inline;filename="reportNz.pdf"') 
>>>>         RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Length',len(result))
>>>>         RESPONSE.write(result) # result is
>>>> And it didn't help.
>>> Another shot in the dark... could it be an adobe acrobat issue? By 
>>> which i mean that adobe sees that you are looking at the same 
>>> document (reportNz.pdf) and then tries to reopen the document at the 
>>> last point you were looking.  Try randomizing the file name (add 2 
>>> or 3 random digits to the filename and see what happens).
>>> Good luck!
>>> Jonathan
>> Jonathan,
>> We think alike.  If you scan my original msg you'll see that I tested 
>> varying the Content-Dispostion ...  report= name as well.
> Sorry, i missed that in your original post.  I'm all out of 
> shots-in-the-dark!  Have you tried seeking help on the adobe acrobat 
> developer lists?
> Jonathan
I think I'll slaughter a chicken at midnite!

I'll wander off to adobe land ...


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