[Zope] Change the encoding of a single ZPT page

Luiz Fernando Bernardes Ribeiro luiz.fernando.ribeiro at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 11:28:30 EDT 2006

Hello all,

Is it possible to change the encoding of a page without having to change the
default-zpublisher-encoding option in zope.conf?

My default encoding is iso8859-1 but we have to generate some XML files to a
flash app, but flash only accept utf-8.

I tried to encode the individual dynamic strings (obtained from database) in
the XML with no success, since zpublisher is configured to iso8859-1 I think
the xml is reencoded before it is sent. The XML file is declared with utf-8

All strings containing international characters are encoded to utf with
python:reg.Field.decode('iso8859-1') in the xml file.

Flash loads the xml but all international characters disappears.

I'm using Zope 2.9, MySQL 4.0 with ISO8859-1 encoding.

Thanks in advance,

Luiz Fernando B. Ribeiro
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