[Zope] Adding HTML to Python

Andrew Milton akm at theinternet.com.au
Wed Dec 6 12:45:17 EST 2006

+-------[ April Lekin ]----------------------
| In Python I'm building this error message:
| l_errorMessage = "These IDs have Errors"
| Loop
|   l_errorMessage = l_errorMessage + " %s " % (ID)
| end loop
| return l_errorMessage.
| How can I put breaks (returns) between the IDs so each ID will be 
| displayed on it's own line?
| like:
| These IDs have Errors:
| 1
| 46
| 76
| 45

try this;

errors = ['These IDS have errors']
end loop

return '<br>'.join(errors)

Andrew Milton
akm at theinternet.com.au

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