[Zope] major problems placing authentication on an extranet site-security flaw?

michael nt milne michael.milne at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 16:44:17 EST 2006

I printed out the section on Zope security quite a while ago and read it. So
it's not just in the last ten minutes. I haven't tried verbosesecurity just
yet as I haven't had the time. Basically, the security should work without

On 2/8/06, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> On 08.02.06 21:25:33, michael nt milne wrote:
> > I've just tried this on a completely different server. I also made sure
> that
> > 'access contents information' was set to 'manager' and 'authenticated'.
> Wow, you read the zope-book on security, setup a new zope on a server
> and checked this in just 10 minutes? Forgive me if I don't believe this.
> > The same thing happens. The main password doesn't work and also you
> still
> > get the main page contents if you keep cancelling or pressing return on
> the
> > login box.
> So no Plone this time? What does VerboseSecurity tell you? Do you have
> to login to get access to the ZMI? Have you tried to allow
> non-authenticated access to the ZMI?
> > Complete nightmare. This was the reason I wanted to go with Apache
> security
> > as it's more robust.
> No it's not, it's not less robust either, at least that's what I
> experienced until now.
> Andreas
> --
> You can rent this space for only $5 a week.
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