[Zope] Re: filter messages at startup

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Tue Jun 13 17:08:44 EDT 2006

>> Not out of the box.

Egads, I think you're right.  These aren't actual warnings, are  
they?  They're log calls.  That should be changed.

- C

> Actually, there is a way, but it's a bit heavy-handed and  
> imprecise.  In zope.conf, do (untested):
> <warnfilter>
>  action ignore
>  message .*has a security declaration for.*
> </warnfilter>
> Here's the ZConfig schema description of the "warnfilter" element:
>   <multisection type="warnfilter" attribute="warnfilters" name="*"
>                 dataype="zLOG.warn_filter_handler">
>     <!-- from zLOG -->
>     <description>
>     A multisection which allows a user to set up a Python "warning"  
> filter.
>     The following keys are valid within a warnfilter section:
>       action:  one of the following strings:
>            "error"   turn matching warnings into exceptions
>            "ignore"  never print matching warnings
>            "always"  always print matching warnings
>            "default" print the first occurrence of matching warnings
>                      for each location where the warning is issued
>            "module"  print the first occurrence of matching warnings
>                      for each module where the warning is issued
>            "once"    print only the first occurrence of matching
>                      warnings, regardless of location
>       message:  a string containing a regular expression that the
>                 warning message must match (the match is compiled to
>                 always be case-insensitive)
>       category: a Python dotted-path classname (must be a subclass of
>                 Warning) of which the warning category must be a  
> subclass in
>                 order to match
>       module:   a string containing a regular expression that the
>                 module name must match (the match is compiled to be
>                 case-sensitive)
>       lineno:   an integer that the line number where the warning
>                 occurred must match, or 0 to match all line numbers
>     </description>
>   </multisection>
> - C

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