[Zope] REMOTE_USER Security Issue

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Mon May 22 17:45:16 EDT 2006

Cliff Ford wrote at 2006-5-14 23:39 +0100:
> ...
>My problem is that I figured out how a user who has permission to create 
>python scripts (might work with dtml and page templates too) could 
>access otherwise forbidden content by making calls that pretend to come 
>from another user. Has any one else come across this problem and devised 
>a solution, either in software or organisation?
>Problem verified with Zope 2.9.2 and latest RemoteUserFolder.

That surprises my -- unless the user can create "AccessRule"s:

  Usually, authentication is performed before any
  PythonScript is executed.

  I know only one exception: "AccessRule"s


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