[Zope] Zope Alternative

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Mon Nov 13 11:29:49 EST 2006

>> +-------[ michael nt milne ]----------------------

>Quite right. It's an ignorant attitude and one that itself deserves the
>label that it is prescribing. It's been prevalent for a long time on this
>list. The whole attitude here is one of sneering and schoolboy name 

You should post only if you have something to say. You did not and you 
can't comment on the content of the wiki.

>Is there a reason that the Plone list gets 3 times the level of postings
>that the Zope list gets?

Because people use Plone and not Zope. Many Plone users identify Plone with 
Zope and don't recognize that Plone is a tiny CMS layer on top of Zope and 
several other big software components.

>Yes. because it is a more mature and constructive
>support environment which actually helps promote the product.

Speak with some Plone core developers. Some of them are also bored by 
ongoing laziness of a minority of ppl to use existing resources or to 
resolve very easy issues on their own. That's why a bunch of Zope and Plone 
developers are no longer available for giving help on -users lists.

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