[Zope] SOAP - Integration?

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sun Aug 5 23:29:01 EDT 2007

--On 3. August 2007 09:29:10 +0200 Christian Klinger <cklinger at novareto.de> 

> Technical Questions:
>   - Is it possible to let this package work like the xml-rpc stuff.
>     (every method is accessable through http,xml-rpc,soap?)

Very unlikely that you can use this Zope 3 module with in Zope 2.
Integrating new protocol handlers into Zope 2 is much more complicated
than in Zope 3.

>   - Does the package http://svn.zope.org/soap/trunk/ work with Five
>     in a Zope2 environment, too? When not is it possible to
>     integrate it in Five?

See above.

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