[Zope] Running egg-packaged product tests

Sébastien Nicouleaud sebastien.nicouleaud at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 06:33:20 EST 2007

Maybe I should reformulate :

Is there a simple way to run unit tests for products packaged as eggs with
Zope 2.9.6+Five 1.4.2, or with Zope 2.10.1 ?


2007/1/12, Sébastien Nicouleaud <sebastien.nicouleaud at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to run tests for an egg-packaged product (deployed in
> development mode), with zope 2.10.1.
> I'm using the "zopectl test" command, with "--path" set to my product
> source directory.
> The problem is that the test runner seems to call the product initialize()
> function 2 times (one during zope initialization, and one during testrunner
> initialization), resulting in duplicated profile id declarations...
> Is there a way to run the tests for an egg-packaged product without
> setting the --path option to the source dir, in order to prevent this
> duplication ?
> Thanks
> Seb
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