[Zope] genealogy product?

Jaroslav Lukesh lukesh at seznam.cz
Fri Sep 7 01:38:34 EDT 2007


I does not know that product, but zope DB is tree DB. Here are few products 
which you should use to cross between trees (like unix symlink). One folder 
= one person.

SO programming of that web application is not as hard, you should do it in 
plain DTML and javascript. Plus you should use each folder as container to 
hold photos, files etc. Use python script to display folder tree rather than 
DTML, python is much faster for big trees - these products exists.

Regards, JL.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby"

> Hi,
> Would you know any genealogy product for Zope?
> Is zope a tool for managing a big (200000 members) of genealogy oriented 
> group, which has over 150,000,000 entries in the genealogy tree?
> It is now managed with about 20 servers and SQL databases but Zope might 
> be a solution, isn't it?

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