[Zope] Re: Problems with buildout and zope.interface

Christian Scholz cs at comlounge.net
Fri Jul 25 08:53:55 EDT 2008

Daniel Nouri wrote:
> Christian Scholz:
>> Daniel Nouri wrote:
>>> The solution to this one is quite simple: Use virtualenv with
>>> --no-site-packages and then use bin/python to run bootstrap.py
>> Ok, thanks. How do I deploy such a thing? I guess virtualenv then has
>> to run by the one setting up his development sandbox? What files
>> can/need to be in subversion?
>> (I never used virtualenv before, only buildout).
>> So my main question is probably: Is there a way to automate the
>> process of installing and running virtualenv similar to what
>> bootstrap.py does for buildout so that people do not need to care
>> about the virtualenv part?
> This shell script should help:
>   #!/bin/sh
>   sudo easy_install virtualenv
>   virtualenv . --no-site-packages
>   bin/python bootstrap.py

Ok, except that this does not run under windows and it still needs to 
have easy_install installed. But if there is no existing script, maybe I 
write one then. I have my custom bootstrap for using the development 
version of setuptools now already anway.

Thanks so far!

-- Christian

Christian Scholz                         video blog: http://comlounge.tv
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