[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/tal - driver.py:1.3 dummyengine.py:1.6 talinterpreter.py:1.9

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred@zope.com
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 14:42:38 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/tal
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv22769

Modified Files:
	driver.py dummyengine.py talinterpreter.py 
Log Message:
Pass the default text to the translation service so intepolations can be
performed if necessary.  Added a test.

=== Zope3/src/zope/tal/driver.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/tal/driver.py:1.2	Wed Dec 25 09:15:29 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zope/tal/driver.py	Thu Apr  3 14:42:08 2003
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 class TestTranslations(DummyTranslationService):
     def translate(self, domain, msgid, mapping=None, context=None,
-                  target_language=None):
+                  target_language=None, default=None):
         if msgid == 'timefmt':
             return '%(minutes)s minutes after %(hours)s %(ampm)s' % mapping
         elif msgid == 'jobnum':
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
             return '%(name)s was born in %(country)s' % mapping
         return DummyTranslationService.translate(self, domain, msgid,
                                                  mapping, context,
-                                                 target_language)
+                                                 target_language,
+                                                 default=default)
 class TestEngine(DummyEngine):
     def __init__(self, macros=None):

=== Zope3/src/zope/tal/dummyengine.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/tal/dummyengine.py:1.5	Tue Mar 25 18:25:16 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/tal/dummyengine.py	Thu Apr  3 14:42:08 2003
@@ -189,8 +189,9 @@
     def getDefault(self):
         return Default
-    def translate(self, domain, msgid, mapping):
-        return self.translationService.translate(domain, msgid, mapping)
+    def translate(self, domain, msgid, mapping, default=None):
+        return self.translationService.translate(domain, msgid, mapping,
+                                                 default=default)
 class Iterator:
@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@
     __implements__ = ITranslationService
     def translate(self, domain, msgid, mapping=None, context=None,
-                  target_language=None):
+                  target_language=None, default=None):
         # This is a fake translation service which simply uppercases non
         # ${name} placeholder text in the message id.
@@ -225,10 +226,12 @@
         # things back together.
         # simulate an unknown msgid by returning None
-        if msgid=="don't translate me":
-            return None
+        if msgid == "don't translate me":
+            text = default
+        else:
+            text = msgid.upper()
         def repl(m):
             return mapping[m.group(m.lastindex).lower()]
-        cre = re.compile(r'\$(?:([_A-Z]\w*)|\{([_A-Z]\w*)\})')
-        return cre.sub(repl, msgid.upper())
+        cre = re.compile(r'\$(?:([_A-Za-z][-\w]*)|\{([_A-Za-z][-\w]*)\})')
+        return cre.sub(repl, text)

=== Zope3/src/zope/tal/talinterpreter.py 1.8 => 1.9 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/tal/talinterpreter.py:1.8	Thu Apr  3 11:18:38 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/tal/talinterpreter.py	Thu Apr  3 14:42:08 2003
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
                     value = evalue
         if ok:
             if xlat:
-                translated = self.i18n_attribute(msgid or value)
+                translated = self.translate(msgid or value, value, {})
                 if translated is not None:
                     value = translated
             if value is None:
@@ -344,12 +344,6 @@
             value = "%s=%s" % (name, quote(value))
         return ok, name, value
-    def i18n_attribute(self, s):
-        # s is the value of an attribute before translation
-        # it may have been computed
-        return self.translate(s, {})
     bytecode_handlers["<attrAction>"] = attrAction
     def no_tag(self, start, program):
@@ -536,33 +530,34 @@
         # See if there is was an i18n:data for msgid
         if len(stuff) > 2:
             obj = self.engine.evaluate(stuff[2])
-        xlated_msgid = self.translate(msgid, i18ndict, obj)
+        xlated_msgid = self.translate(msgid, default, i18ndict, obj)
         # XXX I can't decide whether we want to cgi escape the translated
         # string or not.  OT1H not doing this could introduce a cross-site
         # scripting vector by allowing translators to sneak JavaScript into
         # translations.  OTOH, for implicit interpolation values, we don't
         # want to escape stuff like ${name} <= "<b>Timmy</b>".
         #s = escape(xlated_msgid)
-        s = xlated_msgid
+        #s = xlated_msgid
         # Watch out for unknown translation message id.  In this case, and
         # when both an explicit message id and default text are given, the
         # Plone people want the default text, so by Papal Edict this is what
         # we return.  For example:
-        #     <span i18n:translate="explict id">default text</span>
+        #     <span i18n:translate="explicit id">default text</span>
         # returns
         #     <span>default text</span>
-        if s is None:
-            s = default or msgid
-            # log that an unknown id was found
-            logging.warn('TAL/i18n: Message id %s was not found in the '
-                         'translation table; using default text: %s' %
-                         (msgid, default))
+        assert xlated_msgid is not None
+##        if xlated_msgid is None:
+##            s = default or msgid
+##            # log that an unknown id was found
+##            logging.warn('TAL/i18n: Message id %s was not found in the '
+##                         'translation table; using default text: %s' %
+##                         (msgid, default))
         # If there are i18n variables to interpolate into this string, better
         # do it now.
-        self._stream_write(s)
+        self._stream_write(xlated_msgid)
     bytecode_handlers['insertTranslation'] = do_insertTranslation
     def do_insertStructure(self, stuff):
@@ -616,20 +611,14 @@
     bytecode_handlers["loop"] = do_loop
-    def translate(self, msgid, i18ndict=None, obj=None):
-        # XXX is this right?
-        if i18ndict is None:
-            i18ndict = {}
+    def translate(self, msgid, default, i18ndict, obj=None):
         if obj:
         if not self.i18nInterpolate:
             return msgid
-        # XXX Mmmh, it seems that sometimes the msgid is None; is that really
-        # possible?
-        if msgid is None:
-            return None
         # XXX We need to pass in one of context or target_language
-        return self.engine.translate(self.i18nContext.domain, msgid, i18ndict)
+        return self.engine.translate(self.i18nContext.domain,
+                                     msgid, i18ndict, default=default)
     def do_rawtextColumn(self, (s, col)):