[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/i18n - format.py:1.3 interfaces.py:1.4 locales.py:1.8

Albertas Agejevas alga@codeworks.lt
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 13:49:44 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/i18n
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv1411/src/zope/i18n

Modified Files:
	format.py interfaces.py locales.py 
Log Message:
An unexpected raid by the Whitespace Police.

Other than fixes of nonconforming whitespace, just a couple of $Id$
docstrings has been added.

=== Zope3/src/zope/i18n/format.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/i18n/format.py:1.2	Mon Jan  6 04:24:42 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/i18n/format.py	Thu Mar 13 13:49:13 2003
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
             ordered[1] = self.calendar.getMonthIdFromName(name)
         # Handle AM/PM hours
         for length in (1, 2):
-            id = ('h', length) 
+            id = ('h', length)
             if id in bin_pattern:
                 ampm = self.calendar.getPM() == results[
                     bin_pattern.index(('a', 1))]
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
         dt_fields_map = {'M': 1, 'd': 2, 'H': 3, 'm': 4, 's': 5, 'S': 6}
         for field in dt_fields_map.keys():
             for length in (1, 2):
-                id = (field, length) 
+                id = (field, length)
                 if id in bin_pattern:
                     pos = dt_fields_map[field]
                     ordered[pos] = int(results[bin_pattern.index(id)])
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
             bin_pattern = parseDateTimePattern(pattern)
             bin_pattern = self._bin_pattern
         text = ''
         info = buildDateTimeInfo(obj, self.calendar)
         for elem in bin_pattern:
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
     def getPattern(self):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.IFormat"
         return self._pattern
     def parse(self, text, pattern=None):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.IFormat"
         # Make or get binary form of datetime pattern
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
             type = float
             num_str.replace(self.symbols['exponential'], 'E')
         return sign*type(num_str)
     def _format_integer(self, integer, pattern):
         size = len(integer)
         min_size = pattern.count('0')
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
         if fraction != '':
             fraction = self.symbols['decimal'] + fraction
         return fraction
     def format(self, obj, pattern=None):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.IFormat"
         # Make or get binary form of datetime pattern
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
             pre_padding = len(bin_pattern[FRACTION]) - len(number) + 2
             post_padding = len(bin_pattern[EXPONENTIAL]) - len(exponent)
             number += self.symbols['exponential'] + exponent
             obj_int_frac = str(obj).split('.')
             if len(obj_int_frac) > 1:
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
                 fraction = ''
             integer = self._format_integer(str(int(math.fabs(obj))),
-                                           bin_pattern[INTEGER])            
+                                           bin_pattern[INTEGER])
             # Adding grouping
             if bin_pattern[GROUPING] == 1:
                 help = ''
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
         text += bin_pattern[SUFFIX]
         if bin_pattern[PADDING4] is not None and post_padding > 0:
             text += bin_pattern[PADDING4]*post_padding
         return text
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
     char = ''
     quote_start = -2
-    for pos in range(len(pattern)): 
+    for pos in range(len(pattern)):
         prev_char = char
         char = pattern[pos]
         # Handle quotations
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
                 state = DEFAULT
             elif state == IN_QUOTE:
                 # Do not care about putting the content of the quote in the
-                # result. The next state is responsible for that. 
+                # result. The next state is responsible for that.
                 quote_start = -1
                 state = DEFAULT
             elif state == IN_DATETIMEFIELD:
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
             elif state == IN_DATETIMEFIELD and prev_char == char:
                 helper += char
             elif state == IN_DATETIMEFIELD and prev_char != char:
                 result.append((helper[0], len(helper)))
                 helper = char
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
         ('H', 1): r'([0-9]{1,2})',
         ('H', 2): r'([0-9]{2})',
         ('m', 1): r'([0-9]{1,2})',
-        ('m', 2): r'([0-9]{2})',   
+        ('m', 2): r'([0-9]{2})',
         ('s', 1): r'([0-9]{1, 2})',
         ('s', 2): r'([0-9]{2})',
         ('S', 1): r'([0-9]{0, 6})',
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
         ('k', 1): r'([0-9]{1, 2})',
         ('k', 2): r'([0-9]{2})',
         ('K', 1): r'([0-9]{1, 2})',
-        ('K', 2): r'([0-9]{2})', 
+        ('K', 2): r'([0-9]{2})',
         ('z', 1): r'([\+-][0-9]{3,4})',
         ('z', 2): r'([\+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})',
         ('z', 3): r'([a-zA-Z]{3})',
@@ -485,14 +485,14 @@
     if isinstance(dt, datetime.time):
         dt = datetime.datetime(1969, 01, 01, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
-    elif ( isinstance(dt, datetime.date) and
-           not isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime)):
+    elif (isinstance(dt, datetime.date) and
+          not isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime)):
         dt = datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)
     if dt.hour >= 12:
         ampm = calendar.getPM()
-        ampm = calendar.getAM()        
+        ampm = calendar.getAM()
     return {
         ('a', 1): ampm,
         ('G', 1): 'AD',
@@ -512,24 +512,24 @@
         ('w', 1): dt.strftime('%W'),
         ('w', 2): dt.strftime('%.2W'),
         ('h', 1): str(dt.hour%12+1),
-        ('h', 2): "%.2i" %(dt.hour%12),   
+        ('h', 2): "%.2i" %(dt.hour%12),
         ('H', 1): str(dt.hour),
-        ('H', 2): "%.2i" %dt.hour,   
+        ('H', 2): "%.2i" %dt.hour,
         ('m', 1): str(dt.minute),
-        ('m', 2): "%.2i" %dt.minute,   
+        ('m', 2): "%.2i" %dt.minute,
         ('s', 1): str(dt.second),
-        ('s', 2): "%.2i" %dt.second,   
+        ('s', 2): "%.2i" %dt.second,
         ('S', 1): str(dt.microsecond),
-        ('S', 2): "%.6i" %dt.microsecond,   
+        ('S', 2): "%.6i" %dt.microsecond,
         # XXX not yet implemented
         ('F', 1): str(2),
         ('F', 2): "%.2i" %(2),
         ('W', 1): str(2),
         ('W', 2): "%.2i" %(2),
         ('k', 1): str(dt.hour+1),
-        ('k', 2): "%.2i" %(dt.hour+1),   
+        ('k', 2): "%.2i" %(dt.hour+1),
         ('K', 1): str(dt.hour%12),
-        ('K', 2): "%.2i" %(dt.hour%12),   
+        ('K', 2): "%.2i" %(dt.hour%12),
         ('z', 1): "+000",
         ('z', 2): "+00:00",
         ('z', 3): "UTC",
@@ -571,10 +571,10 @@
 def parseNumberPattern(pattern):
     """Parses all sorts of number pattern."""
     prefix = ''
-    padding_1 = None 
-    padding_2 = None 
-    padding_3 = None 
-    padding_4 = None 
+    padding_1 = None
+    padding_2 = None
+    padding_3 = None
+    padding_4 = None
     integer = ''
     fraction = ''
     exponential = ''
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
                 state = READ_NEG_SUBPATTERN
             elif char == "'":
                 integer = helper
-                state = READ_SUFFIX_STRING                
+                state = READ_SUFFIX_STRING
                 integer = helper
                 suffix += char
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
                 state = READ_NEG_SUBPATTERN
             elif char == "'":
                 fraction = helper
-                state = READ_SUFFIX_STRING                
+                state = READ_SUFFIX_STRING
                 fraction = helper
                 suffix += char
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
                 state = READ_NEG_SUBPATTERN
             elif char == "'":
                 exponential = helper
-                state = READ_SUFFIX_STRING                
+                state = READ_SUFFIX_STRING
                 exponential = helper
                 suffix += char
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@
                 state = READ_NEG_SUBPATTERN
                 suffix += char
         elif state == READ_SUFFIX_STRING:
             if char == "'":
                 state = READ_SUFFIX
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@
     if neg_pattern is None:
         neg_pattern = pattern
     return pattern, neg_pattern

=== Zope3/src/zope/i18n/interfaces.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/i18n/interfaces.py:1.3	Thu Jan 23 10:25:03 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/i18n/interfaces.py	Thu Mar 13 13:49:13 2003
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
     sense to have many locale facilities, especially since this one will be so
     complete, since we will the ICU XML Files as data.  """
-    def loadLocale(language=None, country=None, variant=None): 
+    def loadLocale(language=None, country=None, variant=None):
         """Load the locale with the specs that are given by the arguments of
         the method. Note that the LocaleProvider must know where to get the
         locales from."""
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
       o variant -- Sometimes there are regional or historical differences even
         in a certain country. For these cases we use the variant field. A good
         example is the time before the Euro in Germany for example. Therefore
-        a valid variant would be 'PREEURO'.  
+        a valid variant would be 'PREEURO'.
     Note that all of these attributes are read-only once they are set (usually
     done in constructor)!
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
     Important: ILocaleTimeZone objects are not intended to provide
     implementations for the standard datetime module timezone support. They
-    are merily used for Locale support. 
+    are merily used for Locale support.
     id = Attribute("Standard name of the timezone for unique referencing.")
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
         """Update this calendar using data from other. Assume that unless
         other's data is not present, other has always more specific
     def setMonth(id, name, abbr):
         """Add a month's locale data."""
@@ -565,25 +565,25 @@
     def setTimePattern(type, pattern):
         """Set the time pattern for a particular time format type. Possible
-        types are full, long, medium, and short.""" 
+        types are full, long, medium, and short."""
     def getTimePattern(type):
         """Get the time pattern for a particular time format type. Possible
-        types are full, long, medium, and short.""" 
+        types are full, long, medium, and short."""
     def setDatePattern(name, pattern):
         """Set the date pattern for a particular date format type. Possible
-        types are full, long, medium, and short.""" 
+        types are full, long, medium, and short."""
     def getDatePattern(name):
         """Get the date pattern for a particular date format type. Possible
-        types are full, long, medium, and short.""" 
+        types are full, long, medium, and short."""
     def setDateTimePattern(pattern):
-        """Set the date pattern for the datetime.""" 
+        """Set the date pattern for the datetime."""
     def getDateTimePattern():
-        """Get the date pattern for the datetime.""" 
+        """Get the date pattern for the datetime."""
 class ILocaleNumberFormat(Interface):
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@
     def getSymbolMap():
         """Return a map of all symbols. Thisis useful for the INumberFormat."""
 class ILocaleCurrency(Interface):
     """Defines a particular currency."""
@@ -640,9 +640,9 @@
         currency unit is often not desired."""
     def getPattern():
-        """Get currency pattern."""    
+        """Get currency pattern."""
 class ILocale(Interface):
     """This class contains all important information about the locale.
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
     hierarchy develops. It is easy to recognize that a locale that is missing
     the variant is more general applicable than the one with the
     variant. Therefore, if a specific Locale does not contain the required
-    information, it should look one level higher. 
+    information, it should look one level higher.
     There will be a root locale that specifies none of the above identifiers.
@@ -719,50 +719,50 @@
     rules (I modified the rules from ICU a bit, since I think they did not
     agree well with the real world XML formatting strings):
-      posNegPattern      := ({subpattern};{subpattern} | {subpattern})  
+      posNegPattern      := ({subpattern};{subpattern} | {subpattern})
       subpattern         := {padding}{prefix}{padding}{integer}{fraction}
-                            {exponential}{padding}{suffix}{padding}  
-      prefix             := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - specialCharacters *  
+                            {exponential}{padding}{suffix}{padding}
+      prefix             := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - specialCharacters *
       suffix             := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - specialCharacters *
-      integer            := {digitField}'0'  
-      fraction           := {decimalPoint}{digitField}  
+      integer            := {digitField}'0'
+      fraction           := {decimalPoint}{digitField}
       exponential        := E integer
-      digitField         := ( {digitField} {groupingSeparator} | 
-                              {digitField} '0'* | 
-                              '0'* | 
-                              {optionalDigitField} )  
-      optionalDigitField := ( {digitField} {groupingSeparator} | 
-                              {digitField} '#'* | 
-                              '#'* )  
-      groupingSeparator  := ,  
-      decimalPoint       := .  
+      digitField         := ( {digitField} {groupingSeparator} |
+                              {digitField} '0'* |
+                              '0'* |
+                              {optionalDigitField} )
+      optionalDigitField := ( {digitField} {groupingSeparator} |
+                              {digitField} '#'* |
+                              '#'* )
+      groupingSeparator  := ,
+      decimalPoint       := .
       padding            := * '\u0000'..'\uFFFD'
     Possible pattern symbols:
-      0    A digit. Always show this digit even if the value is zero.  
-      #    A digit, suppressed if zero  
-      .    Placeholder for decimal separator  
-      ,    Placeholder for grouping separator  
-      E    Separates mantissa and exponent for exponential formats  
+      0    A digit. Always show this digit even if the value is zero.
+      #    A digit, suppressed if zero
+      .    Placeholder for decimal separator
+      ,    Placeholder for grouping separator
+      E    Separates mantissa and exponent for exponential formats
       ;    Separates formats (that is, a positive number format verses a
            negative number format)
       -    Default negative prefix. Note that the locale's minus sign
            character is used.
       +    If this symbol is specified the locale's plus sign character is
-      %    Multiply by 100, as percentage  
-      ?    Multiply by 1000, as per mille  
+      %    Multiply by 100, as percentage
+      ?    Multiply by 1000, as per mille
       \u00A4    This is the currency sign. it will be replaced by a currency
            symbol. If it is present in a pattern, the monetary decimal
            separator is used instead of the decimal separator.
-      \u00A4\u00A4   This is the international currency sign. It will be replaced 
+      \u00A4\u00A4   This is the international currency sign. It will be replaced
            by an international currency symbol.  If it is present in a
-           pattern, the monetary decimal separator is used instead of 
-           the decimal separator. 
-      X    Any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix  
-      '    Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix  
+           pattern, the monetary decimal separator is used instead of
+           the decimal separator.
+      X    Any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix
+      '    Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix
     symbols = Attribute(
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
           decimal, group, list, percentSign, nativeZeroDigit, patternDigit,
           plusSign, minusSign, exponential, perMille, infinity, nan
@@ -788,27 +788,27 @@
     """DateTime formatting and parsing interface. Here is a list of
     possible characters and their meaning:
-      Symbol Meaning               Presentation      Example  
+      Symbol Meaning               Presentation      Example
-      G      era designator        (Text)            AD  
-      y      year                  (Number)          1996  
+      G      era designator        (Text)            AD
+      y      year                  (Number)          1996
       M      month in year         (Text and Number) July and 07
       d      day in month          (Number)          10
-      h      hour in am/pm (1~12)  (Number)          12  
+      h      hour in am/pm (1~12)  (Number)          12
       H      hour in day (0~23)    (Number)          0
-      m      minute in hour        (Number)          30  
-      s      second in minute      (Number)          55  
-      S      millisecond           (Number)          978  
-      E      day in week           (Text)            Tuesday  
-      D      day in year           (Number)          189  
+      m      minute in hour        (Number)          30
+      s      second in minute      (Number)          55
+      S      millisecond           (Number)          978
+      E      day in week           (Text)            Tuesday
+      D      day in year           (Number)          189
       F      day of week in month  (Number)          2 (2nd Wed in July)
-      w      week in year          (Number)          27  
-      W      week in month         (Number)          2  
-      a      am/pm marker          (Text)            pm  
-      k      hour in day (1~24)    (Number)          24  
-      K      hour in am/pm (0~11)  (Number)          0  
+      w      week in year          (Number)          27
+      W      week in month         (Number)          2
+      a      am/pm marker          (Text)            pm
+      k      hour in day (1~24)    (Number)          24
+      K      hour in am/pm (0~11)  (Number)          0
       z      time zone             (Text)            Pacific Standard Time
-      '      escape for text  
+      '      escape for text
       ''     single quote                            '
     Meaning of the amount of characters:

=== Zope3/src/zope/i18n/locales.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/i18n/locales.py:1.7	Mon Jan 27 16:49:01 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/i18n/locales.py	Thu Mar 13 13:49:13 2003
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
                     filename += '_'
                 filename += '_'+variant
             filename += '.xml'
         # Making sure we have this locale
         path = os.path.join(self._locale_dir, filename)
         if not os.path.exists(path):
             raise LoadLocaleError, \
                   'The desired locale is not available.\nPath: %s' %path
         # Let's get it!
         locale = ICUXMLLocaleFactory(path)()
         self._locales[(language, country, variant)] = locale
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleIdentity"
         return "<ICULocaleIdentity (%s, %s, %s)>" %(
             self.__language, self.__country, self.__variant)
 class ICULocaleVersion:
     __doc__ = ILocaleVersion.__doc__
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
     __doc__ = ILocaleCalendar.__doc__
     __implements__ =  ILocaleCalendar
     def __init__(self, klass):
         """Initialize the object."""
         self.klass = klass
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
     def getTimePattern(self, type):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCalendar"
-        return self._time_patterns[type]        
+        return self._time_patterns[type]
     def setDatePattern(self, name, pattern):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCalendar"
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
     def getDatePattern(self, name):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCalendar"
-        return self._date_patterns[name]        
+        return self._date_patterns[name]
     def setDateTimePattern(self, pattern):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCalendar"
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
     def getDateTimePattern(self):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCalendar"
         return self._datetime_pattern
 class ICULocaleNumberFormat:
     __doc__ = ILocaleNumberFormat.__doc__
@@ -433,19 +433,19 @@
     def setName(self, name):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCurrency"
         self._name = name
     def getName(self):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCurrency"
         return self._name
     def setDecimal(self, decimal):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCurrency"
         self._decimal = decimal
     def getDecimal(self):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCurrency"
         return self._decimal
     def setPattern(self, pattern):
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCurrency"
         self._pattern = pattern
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
         "See zope.i18n.interfaces.ILocaleCurrency"
         return self._pattern
 class ICULocale:
     __doc__ = ILocale.__doc__
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
     def setIdentity(self, id):
         """Define the unique identification object for this locale."""
     def setLanguageName(self, id, name):
         """Add a language in the locale's native language defined by its
         two-letter id."""
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
         name in its native language.
     def getCountryName(self, id):
         """Get the localized country name for the given id."""
@@ -645,18 +645,18 @@
         that has no missing information. This methos will build this
         calendar = ICULocaleCalendar('gregorian')
-        for id in ( (None, None, None),
-                    (self.id.getLanguage(), None, None),
-                    (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(), None),
-                    (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(),
-                     self.id.getVariant()) ):
+        for id in ((None, None, None),
+                   (self.id.getLanguage(), None, None),
+                   (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(), None),
+                   (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(),
+                    self.id.getVariant())):
             except KeyError:
                 pass # Locale has no calendar information
         return calendar
     def getLocaleLanguageId(self):
         "See ZopeProducts.LocaleProvider.interfaces.ILocale"
         return self.id.getLanguage()
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
         except AttributeError, KeyError:
             return self._getNextLocale().getTimeFormatter(name)
         return DateTimeFormat(pattern, self._createFullCalendar())
     def getDateFormatter(self, name):
         "See ZopeProducts.LocaleProvider.interfaces.ILocale"
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@
         except AttributeError, KeyError:
             return self._getNextLocale().getDateFormatter(name)
         return DateTimeFormat(pattern, self._createFullCalendar())
     def getDateTimeFormatter(self, name):
         "See ZopeProducts.LocaleProvider.interfaces.ILocale"
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
         pattern = pattern.replace('{1}', date_pat)
         pattern = pattern.replace('{0}', time_pat)
         return DateTimeFormat(pattern, self._createFullCalendar())
     def getNumberFormatter(self, name):
         "See ZopeProducts.LocaleProvider.interfaces.ILocale"
@@ -724,11 +724,11 @@
         except AttributeError, KeyError:
             return self._getNextLocale().getNumberFormatter(name)
         symbols = {}
-        for id in ( (None, None, None),
-                    (self.id.getLanguage(), None, None),
-                    (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(), None),
-                    (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(),
-                     self.id.getVariant()) ):
+        for id in ((None, None, None),
+                   (self.id.getLanguage(), None, None),
+                   (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(), None),
+                   (self.id.getLanguage(), self.id.getCountry(),
+                    self.id.getVariant())):
                 format = locales.getLocale(*id).getDefaultNumberFormat()
@@ -842,12 +842,12 @@
                     long_desc = self._getText(
                 except IndexError:
-                    long_desc = None # no long description 
+                    long_desc = None # no long description
                     short_desc = self._getText(
                 except IndexError:
-                    short_desc = None # no short description 
+                    short_desc = None # no short description
                 if long_desc is not None or short_desc is not None:
                     zone.setName(type, long_desc, short_desc)
             for city in node.getElementsByTagName('city'):
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
             calendars.append((klass, calendar, default))
         return calendars
     def _extractNumberFormats(self):
         """Extract all number format information from the Locale's DOM
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
                 default = True
                 default = False
             pattern_nodes = format_node.getElementsByTagName('patterns')
             if len(pattern_nodes) == 1:
                 node = pattern_nodes[0]
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@
                         pass # node does not exist
             formats.append((klass, format, default))
         return formats
     def _extractCurrencies(self):
@@ -1034,9 +1034,9 @@
                 pass # No pattern node
             currencies.append((id, currency, default))
         return currencies
     def __call__(self):
         """Create the Locale."""
@@ -1060,4 +1060,4 @@
         return locale