[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/utilities/fssync - commit.py:1.4

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 5 May 2003 17:33:15 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/utilities/fssync
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv390

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Facelift; get rid of string module.

=== Zope3/utilities/fssync/commit.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/utilities/fssync/commit.py:1.3	Mon May  5 17:20:53 2003
+++ Zope3/utilities/fssync/commit.py	Mon May  5 17:33:15 2003
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-import os, string, commands
+import os, commands
 from zope.app.fssync.syncer import fromFS
 from common import getZODBPath, createTempfile, getObject
@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@
 env = os.environ
-def commit(fspath
-           , dbpath
-           , siteconfpath
-           , mode=None):
+def commit(fspath, dbpath, siteconfpath, mode=None):
     """Checks in from file system to ZODB
     Saves the unconflict files in ZODB as Zope objects from the
@@ -48,13 +45,13 @@
         mapping_paths = traverseFS(fspath, {})
         for sandbox_path in mapping_paths.keys():
-            original_path = string.strip(mapping_paths[sandbox_path][0])
-            zopedb_path = string.strip(mapping_paths[sandbox_path][1])
+            original_path = mapping_paths[sandbox_path][0].strip()
+            zopedb_path = mapping_paths[sandbox_path][1].strip()
             if isNewObject(sandbox_path):
-                fsroot = os.path.abspath(sandbox_path[:string.find(sandbox_path
-                                                                   , zopedb_path)])
+                fsroot = sandbox_path[:sandbox_path.find(zopedb_path)]
+                fsroot = os.path.abspath(fsroot)
                 path = ''
-                for object in string.split(zopedb_path,'/')[1:]:
+                for object in zopedb_path.split('/')[1:]:
                     path = os.path.join(path,object)
                     newobjpath = os.path.join(fsroot,path)
                     if isNewObject(newobjpath):
@@ -65,48 +62,48 @@
                             vpath = newobjpath
-                if string.find(sandbox_path,vpath)==-1:
+                if sandbox_path.find(vpath) < 0:
                     fmt_sandbox_path = ''
                     fmt_original_path = ''
-                    for dir in string.split(sandbox_path,os.sep):
-                        if string.find(dir, ' ')<>-1:
-                            fmt_sandbox_path = os.path.join(fmt_sandbox_path
-                                                            , '\''+dir+'\'')
+                    for dir in sandbox_path.split(os.sep):
+                        if dir.find(' ') >= 0:
+                            fmt_sandbox_path = os.path.join(fmt_sandbox_path,
+                                                            "'"+dir+"'")
-                            fmt_sandbox_path = os.path.join(fmt_sandbox_path
-                                                            , dir)
+                            fmt_sandbox_path = os.path.join(fmt_sandbox_path,
+                                                            dir)
-                    for dir in string.split(original_path,os.sep):
-                        if string.find(dir, ' ')<>-1:
-                            fmt_original_path = os.path.join(fmt_original_path
-                                                             , '\''+dir+'\'')
+                    for dir in original_path.split(os.sep):
+                        if dir.find(' ') >= 0:
+                            fmt_original_path = os.path.join(fmt_original_path,
+                                                             "'"+dir+"'")
-                            fmt_original_path = os.path.join(fmt_original_path
-                                                             , dir)
+                            fmt_original_path = os.path.join(fmt_original_path,
+                                                             dir)
                     fmt_sandbox_path = os.sep + fmt_sandbox_path
                     fmt_original_path = os.sep + fmt_original_path
                     ob = getObject(zopedb_path, root)
                     zopedb_temp_file = createTempfile(ob, zopedb_path)
-                    diff_cmd1 = """diff -q -b %s %s;echo $?""" \
-                                %(fmt_original_path, zopedb_temp_file)
+                    diff_cmd1 = ("diff -q -b %s %s; echo $?" %
+                                 fmt_original_path, zopedb_temp_file)
                     diff_res1 = commands.getoutput(diff_cmd1)
                     isConflict = int(diff_res1[-1])
-                    diff_cmd2 = """diff -q -b %s %s;echo $?""" \
-                                %(fmt_sandbox_path, fmt_original_path)
+                    diff_cmd2 = ("diff -q -b %s %s; echo $?" %
+                                 fmt_sandbox_path, fmt_original_path)
                     diff_res2 = commands.getoutput(diff_cmd2)
                     isCommitRequired = int(diff_res2[-1])
                     if checkConflictData(sandbox_path, zopedb_path):
                         isConflict = 1
                     if isConflict:
-                        msg = "%s Conflict, Uptodate checkin failed" \
-                              %(zopedb_path)
+                        msg = ("%s Conflict, Uptodate checkin failed" %
+                               zopedb_path)
                         print msg
                         if not (isCommitRequired == isConflict == 0):
-                            msg = "%s  <--  %s" \
-                                  %(zopedb_path, string.split(zopedb_path,'/')[-1])
+                            msg = ("%s  <--  %s" %
+                                   (zopedb_path, zopedb_path.split('/')[-1]))
                             err = doCommit(sandbox_path, root)
                             if err is not None:
                                 return err
@@ -121,35 +118,33 @@
 def doCommit(fspath, root, mode=None):
     container = ''
     objpath = getZODBPath(fspath)
-    objname = string.split(objpath, '/')[-1]
-    path = string.split(objpath, '/')[:-1]
+    objname = objpath.split('/')[-1]
+    path = objpath.split('/')[:-1]
     for item in path:
         if item:
-            container = container +'[\''+item+'\']'
+            container = container +"['"+item+"']"
         if container:
-    except:
-        return 'sync [commit aborted] : invalid object path ---  %s' \
-               %(objpath)
+    except: # XXX which exception are we trying to catch?
+        return 'sync [commit aborted] : invalid object path ---  %s' % objpath
-    #copying to ZODB
+    # Copying to ZODB
     fromFS(container, objname , os.path.dirname(fspath), mode)
     if mode is None:
-        #copying to original
+        # Copying to original
         f = open(fspath, 'r')
         data = f.read()
-        original_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fspath)
-                                     ,'@@Zope'
-                                     ,'Original'
-                                     ,os.path.basename(fspath))
+        original_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fspath),
+                                     '@@Zope', 'Original',
+                                     os.path.basename(fspath))
         f = open(original_path, 'w')
-        f.write(string.strip(data))
+        f.write(data.strip())
     return None