[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ Ignore files/directories that are result of a build process, such

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Thu May 13 10:41:41 EDT 2004

Fred Drake wrote:
> On Thursday 13 May 2004 01:21 am, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>  > Yup. Btw, the "$Id$" keyword issue has not been fixed yet. We need to
>  > set svn:keywords="Id" on every file where we want the Id keyword to be
>  > expanded. To make svn pick it up, the original string needs to read
>  > "$Id$". A previous CVS expansion of the Id keyword will not get picked
>  > up by svn.
> Perhaps we should examine "the issue" a little more carefully.  Do we *want* 
> $Id$ expansions, or anything else expanded?  I've never seen it as anything 
> but docstring pollution, but I know Jim likes it.

Heh, what a typical developer comment.  Fred, those "docstring 
pollution" fragments are there for the benefit of the poor dumb schmuck 
who has to log in to a box and try to diagnose why the system deployed 
last year is broken, not for the poor dumb schmuck who is busy breaking 
it in his sandbox. :)

Keyword expansion is certainly a pain when merging under CVS;  I know 
that I typically do the following when merging, just to be safe:

   $ cvs -q up -AdP -kk -r target_branch
   $ cvs -q up -kk -j from_tag -j to_tag

> The move to Subversion is an opportunity to revisit this aspect of the 
> guidelines.  Let's try not to encourage this sort of pollution in the new 
> repository.
>  > I'm volunteering to do this (by writing a small script that iterates
>  > over files, sets the svn:keywords property and replaces $Id ...$ with
>  > $Id$ accordingly).
> Please, let's not.  Expecting much of end user configurations is a mistake, 
> and it's quite fragile.  It also creates a great deal of burden on developers 
> involved in projects with conflicting guidelines for their Subversion 
> repositories; the closer we can be to living with the default configuration, 
> the better.

Given the amount of borkage in the default config (lack of server-side 
property defaults, etc.) I am not sure we can live with that.

+1 for converting any CVS-induced '$Id$' expansions back to '$Id$' in 
the repository;  could we do this in a commit hook, if svn doesn't do it 
by default?

+1 for forcing the expansion as part of the release process, so that the 
tarballs have the expanded strings.

-0 for promulgating recommended changes to developers about adding the 
keyword expansion in their .svnrc.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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